"Breathing life into your space with expert ventilation design!"

About us

At VENTILATIONSPROJEKTERING, we specialize in providing high-quality ventilation consulting services for a variety of industries and buildings. With years of experience in the heating and air conditioning industry, we understand the importance of proper ventilation in creating a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Our team of experts consists of highly skilled engineers and technicians who have a deep understanding of ventilation systems and their impact on indoor air quality.

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Design and layout of ventilation systems for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

The design and layout of ventilation systems for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings are crucial for maintaining proper air flow and quality, ensuring the health and comfort of occupants and promoting energy efficiency. 

Calculation of air flow rates and selection of appropriate ventilation equipment, such as fans, ductwork, and filters.

The calculation of air flow rates and selection of appropriate ventilation equipment, such as fans, ductwork, and filters, is crucial in ensuring proper air circulation and filtration for a safe and comfortable indoor environment

Inspection and evaluation of existing ventilation systems to identify any inefficiencies or potential problems, and recommendations for improvements.

Inspection and evaluation of existing ventilation systems is crucial in identifying inefficiencies or potential problems, and providing recommendations for improvements to ensure a safe and healthy indoor air quality.

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